In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is often a deciding factor in many areas of life, and therapy is no exception. Online counseling has rapidly grown in popularity, especially after the challenges brought on by the pandemic. It offers a unique opportunity...
By Brooke Stoltzfus, LSW It’s summertime! The warm weather and long days make summer such a popular time for many people to take a vacation. Why do we take a vacation? Certainly to have fun, but also to take a break from our daily busy lives. Vacation often consists...
By Lauren Thomas, MA, LPC Finding friends was easier during our school years: classes, sports, clubs, and living in the same neighborhoods or student housing gave us several opportunities for building connections. For many of us in the post-grad years, we are no...
By Marcia Murphy, MA We hate to feel pain. We try to avoid suffering at all costs. But we are typically unsuccessful at doing so because of things that happen to us that are out of our control. In fact, we can create more pain for ourselves the more we try to resist...
By Lauren Thomas, MA, LPC We’re counting down to Christmas and no doubt some of us are still shopping for the “perfect gift” to complete our lists for our loved ones. When it comes to our children, while toys and clothes are appreciated, let’s consider...
By Hannah Mosser, MA, LPC If you’re anything like me, you love this festive time of year. As I sit here typing, I am drinking an iced coffee with homemade peppermint whip cream on top. It tastes magical – like December (I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet… !)....
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